It is a registered company, limited by guarantee based in England. The OpenFOAM Foundation is the organisaton which holds the copyright of the OpenFOAM software and documentation, whose purpose is to manage and distribute OpenFOAM as free, open source software for the benefit of its users. The OpenFOAM Foundation is the independent distributor of OpenFOAM.The current version is 11. In 2014, the development line of OpenFOAM, known as “OpenFOAM-dev” was released publicly on GitHub. Since then, OpenFOAM has continued to be managed and developed with new versions being released to the public each year. OpenFOAM was created by Henry Weller in 1989 under the name “FOAM” and was released open source as “OpenFOAM” by Henry Weller, Chris Greenshields and Mattijs Janssens in December 2004. The GPL gives users the freedom to modify and redistribute the software and a guarantee of continued free use, within the terms of the licence. OpenFOAM is the leading free, open source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), owned by the OpenFOAM Foundation and distributed exclusively under the General Public Licence (GPL). OpenFOAM is the leading free, open source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD).